Lobisomem Clã

Foi criado por VANPIXIITA 20.10.2006 às 17:13:51
Descrição da personagem
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶´¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´quem s: ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶ø¶¶¶¶ø´´´´1´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´
Total das preciosidades: 239.279,62 Quilos de carne
Vítimas mordidas (link): 2
Combates: 806
Vencidos: 168
Derrotas: 638
Empates 0
Ouro ganho: ~ 14.000,00 Ouro
Ouro perdido: ~ 35.000,00 Ouro
Pontos certeiros aplicados: 27613.28
Pontos certeiros sofridos: 409935.75
As propriedades de VAMPIXIITA:
Nível da personagem: Nível 37
Força: (80)
Defesa: (80)
Agilidade: (79)
Resistência: (72)
Habilidade: (70)
Experiência: (6882|6845)
As estatísticas da pagina ancestral VAMPIXIITA
Desafios tentados: 8
Desafios bem sucedidos: 6
Desafios falhados: 2
O guarda de VAMPIXIITA
Lobo de Caça Biônico
Género de guarda: Lobo de Caça Biônico
Nome do guarda: Lobo de Caça Biônico
Ataque: (5)
Defesa: (5)
Resistência: (5)
Dados do perfil
Sexo: masculino
Idade: 15-20 Ano
Localidade: ---
Número ICQ: ---
MSN Messenger: ---
Yahoo Messenger: ---
Nome AIM: ---
Jabber ID ---
Skype ID ---
Mestria em Batalha - Nível 1 - Practice makes perfect.<br />Two steps forward and one back… Only a strenuously obtained fighting routine - based on both glorious victories and searing defeats - will lead you to the ultimate goal of becoming the supreme fighter in the realms of darkness. How high will you climb in the ranks of legendary warriors? Construtor civil - Your home is growing and your garden is thriving… The reinforced walls offer a certain protection against your enemies and can improve your defences. Caçador de animais pequenos - Every little bit helps.<br />Hunting house animals and small rodents is not difficult, but the yield is rather meager… In spite of this one can sustain life with such meals and a full belly never a bad thing, no matter what the contents are… Caçador furtivo - Ah, these poachers… They are always after a high yield with little risk. As an added bonus they also occasionally net a delicious forester to supplement their meals of wild animals… Colecionador de troféus de caça - Foragers of the world unite! It is remarkable what one can find during nightly expeditions through town and country, but what should one do with all that STUFF?! It would be good to have a collection centre for looted items.

VAMPIXIITA ainda não atingiu um ranking especial na arena.

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